Jackie, barely out of high school, found herself facing the world on her own with no place to live. After 10 months of couch surfing, Jackie came to St. Joseph Missions Women’s Shelter and was welcomed with open arms into the safety of the shelter.
Although Jackie struggled with addiction and mental illness, she was determined to be successful. It wasn’t long before she got a job, opened a bank account, and started saving money for an apartment.
Art is therapeutic for Jackie and creating pieces helps her to process her feelings. Jackie painted the captivating image you see while she was here and told us that it symbolized a new beginning for her. She felt like she was finally looking toward the future, she had
hope, she, in her words, “could see color again.”
This spring, when rebirth surrounds us in the yellow of the blooming daffodils, greening of the grass, and the blue of the sky, we ask you to help the women, coming to our shelter, to see the colors again.
“We are called to live bold and tender charity that especially serves the poor and the vulnerable, one that witnesses Christ.” Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C.